The Future of Resume = Digital

Hello November! Wow, I can’t believe we have two months remaining in 2022. At this time of the year, work tends to slow down a bit as code freezes take place, 2023 strategy planning has commenced and colleagues are off for holiday vacations. During this time, I typically reflect on my achievements for the year and determine which inputs should be added to my LinkedIn profile. Specifically, I write out project launches, teams I partnered with, business impact, volunteer efforts, career services results and much more. First off - this is a time I celebrate (woohoo!) the goals I achieved, and also remind myself, it’s OK if I didn’t check off each box.

From there, I take those inputs and determine which should be added to my digital resume aka my LinkedIn profile. I recommend completing this exercise bi-annually, but this timeline can vary based on where you are in your career. With 95% of recruiters utilizing LinkedIn to search for job applicants, it’s critical to have your profile up-to-date and customized to the roles you are seeking/and or open to. Recruiters should be able to skim your LinkedIn profile and identify your top skills, understand how you contribute impact to your company and roles they can see you being a fit for. How do you customize? Similar to the preparation method (research on the role/company/interviewers) for interviews, this preparation should also be utilized when building out your LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn provides recruiters tools to easily identify profiles through keywords, job titles, and other profile optimization tools. Below are a few steps I take prior to making updates to my LinkedIn profile. (Please note, these steps will vary based on your career planning goals.)

  1. Identify roles you are interested in.

  2. Read through the job description and ensure your LinkedIn includes key words included.

  3. Search for LinkedIn profiles that are in the role you are seeking and see what they have listed. Cross-reference and pull applicable content to yours.

  4. Schedule a consult call with me today, to discuss your customized LinkedIn Profile optimization plan. :)

#ProTip - Keep a personal tracker for your projects and impact. These are items you can quickly reference when updating your resume and LinkedIn profile.


Remember to keep your LinkedIn profile up-to-date, and more importantly have content that is geared towards the opportunities you want. Think of LinkedIn as an always-on resume. Although you may not be seeking roles, a recruiter may have a role that fits your experience.

See y’all next week!



Be Kind. Be Supportive.


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