Be Kind. Be Supportive.

Hi Everyone,

These last few weeks of seeing posts of thousands being impacted by layoffs has been heartbreaking. These individuals and their families lives are being interrupted with minimal notice. It’s important to show empathy and be a resource to anyone you can. It’s moments like these where although we may be strangers, we can pull together. It has been extremely heartwarming to see the power of connection LinkedIn provides, through the sharing, reposting, offering services and referrals to those impacted. It reminds me that although there is much that needs to be improved in the world, there’s so many wonderful people. During this time, a scripture my mom use to tell me and my brothers has been on my mind. Luke 6:31 - “And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.” My goal is to lend the same kind of support that I would want to receive. Specifically, I will be providing the services below (free of charge) to those recently impacted by layoffs.

  • Resume Reviews

  • Interview Prep

I would also like to use this week as a reminder of the importance of mental health. This time of uncertainty brings anxiety, stress, feeling overwhelmed and a multitude of other emotions. If you’re looking for outlets, there’s journaling, meditating, yoga, exercise, therapy and more. Check out this article, “Stress relievers: Tips to tame stress” to see additional recommendations.

That’s all for this week & always remember - Be Kind. Have Empathy. Be Supportive.


The Importance of “I”


The Future of Resume = Digital