Happy Black History Month

Happy Black History Month No Ceilings Family,

Prior to kicking off this week’s blog, let’s look at the purpose of Black History Month.

Black History Month was created to focus attention on the contributions of African Americans to the United States. It honors all Black people from all periods of U.S. history, from the enslaved people first brought over from Africa in the early 17th century to African Americans living in the United States today.

Now to this week’s blog!

I am excited for the BHM programming that Google will be offering, the spotlight & supporting of local black owned businesses to leading BHM dialog within my direct team. Discussing race in the workplace is uncomfortable (believe me, I am nervous about engaging any racial conversations) but I know and am still learning that putting myself in these uncomfortable moments not only allows those around me to grow, but also myself. This BHM, I have joined the Black Google Network BHM programming planning committee, taking time to educate myself even more on the powerful African American leaders that carved out paths for us today, to finding and sharing top books written by black authors. Yes, these things should be done outside of Black History Month and one of my goals is to continue post-February. But I really want to share with you all my experiences each week this month!

While preparing for content for this week, I like to find tangible things for those who read my posts to take action on. Such as ideas for showing honor for BHM in the workplace, specific books to check out, in-addition to general content about DEI in the workplace. As the recent waves of layoffs continue to take places, studies have shown that people of color and woman are disproportionately impacted. “According to Layoffs.FYI, which tracks tech industry cuts, an estimated 45% of those who lost their jobs in the recent wave of layoffs were women. One potential explanation for the discrepancy, says Lee, is that sales, marketing, and other customer-facing roles accounts for roughly 20% of the cuts, while recruiting and HR are the most disproportionately affected, with many cutting their talent teams in half. (Source: Fast Company) Regardless of role type, the improvements in diversity hiring (small, but present) are in some ways resetting and will require some companies to start over. As we celebrate Black Excellence, take the time to recognize your peers, colleagues and friends. If you have a friend who’re able to give a referral or make an introduction, please take the time to do so. Together, we can help make impactful change.

Looking for ways to honor Black History Month? Check some ideas out below!

1. Support Black-Owned Businesses

2. Learn About Noteworthy Black Figures and Their Contributions:

3. Donate to Charities That Support Anti-Racism Equity and Equality

4. Purchase, Read, and Share Books by Black Authors

#BHM #BlackHistoryMonth #BlackinTech

For more content - Check out my LinkedIn page for daily posts!

I look forward to connecting with you all next week!



Start of Something New.

