New Normal,Reset, Goal Setting.

It seems like forever since I last wrote a blog post. Well, it actually has been forever (> 4 months) It has literally been a long time. I hope everyone is doing well (mentally and physically) and has been enjoying their summers. It is good to be back writing again. These last few months have been filled with lots of changes personally and professionally. To make the most of your time, I will provide quick summaries and quick takeaways that may be helpful to you. Does that sound good? (I hope you said yes!) Let's get started!
Professional - “New Normal”
As many are aware, the tech industry has been hit hard by layoffs. Thousands of lives have been instantly disrupted, and those who have not been affected have taken on additional work. Remote work has also begun to fade, all of which has resulted in increased stress and anxiety about performance. Here are some tips on how to combat these challenges and stay focused:
  • Make a list of things you can control. This will help you to focus on the things that are within your power to change, rather than getting bogged down by things that you can't control. Some things that you may be able to control at work include your attitude, your effort, your time management, and your communication skills.
  • Eliminate distractions. This means turning off your phone, closing unnecessary tabs on your computer, and finding a quiet place to work. If you can't eliminate all distractions, try to minimize them as much as possible.
  • Take breaks. It's important to take breaks throughout the day, even if it's just for a few minutes. This will help you to stay refreshed and focused. Get up and move around, or step outside for some fresh air.
Personal - Reset
In July, my husband and I went on our honeymoon. We traveled throughout Europe for two weeks. We ate, drank, danced, and I periodically checked my email and slept. It was amazing. Upon our return, I decided to abstain from alcohol for 30 days (tomorrow I will reach my goal - woohoo!) and commit to being active for 30 minutes each day. Both of these goals were chosen as I wasn't feeling the best mentally or physically. My body had been telling me for some time to slow down and I made the commitment to listen. 
  • Consistency in exercising improved not only my physical health, but also mental. It gave me energy to do more and to meet new people, perform better at work. 
  • I really enjoy drinking, but all of my fun doesn’t have anything to do with it. Living in NYC and it being summer, made this goal really hard to achieve, but I wanted to do this for myself. In a city, that's always moving 100/mph this time has allowed me to stop, reflect and understand more about myself. 
  • I LOVE waking up early and getting the day started. I’m most productive in the mornings and waking up between 6-6:30am gives me additional time where my brain is already focused.
  • Although drinking makes it difficult to wake up and be productive, it’s no longer an excuse I want to use for not being active. 
I am excited to continue challenging myself, setting new goals, and continue working to see what makes me happy.
Let’s connect again in two weeks!
  • Alexandria 

The Ultimate Guide to Prioritization